Roberto Berzero. E' docente di ruolo di Musica Corale e Direzione di Coro, al Conservatorio Statale di Musica della città di Alessandria. Nello stesso Conservatorio si è diplomato in pianoforte con i maestri G. Binasco e V. Massaza; ha poi conseguito il diploma di Direzione di Coro e Musica Corale presso il Conservatorio "G. Verdi" di Milano sotto la guida dei maestri F. Monego e B.Zanolini. |
il Gruppo Vocale Polycantus con il quale ha inciso il Cd “Mater Christi”contenente le 4 Antifone Maggiori della Madonna da lui stesso composte per Coro da 4 a 9 voci. |
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Roberto Berzero teaches Choir Music and Choir Direction at the State Academy of Music of Alessandria. In the same academy he graduated in piano with maestro G. Binasco e Master V. Massazza; later he graduated as choir director at the “G.Verdi” Academy of Music in Milan with maestros F. Monego and B. Zanolini. He studied music composition with maestros C. Mosso, B. Bettinelli and S. Bianchera. He attended the vocal and style specialization course for renaissance and baroque music, held by C. Miatello at the Scuola Civica in Milan. He sang in the Youth Choir directed by Gerard Smith Gaden at the “Teatro alla Scala” in Milan; he collaborated as a contralto singer in the Almagesto Vocal Group (directed by Bruno Raffaele Foti) and in the Ensemble Concerto (directed by Roberto Gini); he also took part in a number of concerts and recordings (AMADEUS) in the occasion of the celebrations for Monteverdi in Cremona. Founder and director of the Coro Nova Harmonia and the children’s choir of the Music Academy of Cuneo, he is now directing the children’s choir at the Academy of Music in Alessandria, the children’s choir “Lietocanto” in Mortara and the Gruppo Vocale Polycantus with whom he recorded “Mater Christi” a cd with 4 Major Antiphons for Mother Mary, composed by himself for a 4 to 9 choir voices. Maestro Berzero collaborated with maestro Conci ( Director of the children’s choir of the “Teatro alla Scala” in Milan and “Minipolifonici” in Trento), with the aim of studying different aspects of children’s vocal techniques. The children’s choir “A Vivaldi”- Alessandria - Directed Roberto Berzero The children’s choir of the Music Academy “A Vivaldi” was born in 2005 with the aim of supporting solmization classes and giving importance to vocal education as a fundamental means for a musician’s growth; since its beginning it has been directed by maestro Roberto Benzero, teacher of Choir Music and Direction in the same Academy. The Choir has already taken part in important events such as the “L’assemblea dei ragazzi” for soloists, choirs and orchestra by J.A. Amargos- T. Rumbau, which performed first at the municipal theatre in Alessandria and later at the Auditorium del Lingotto in Turin. In May 2006, the same group took part in the commemoration of Dr. Falcone in Palermo. During 2007 the choir performed in Alessandria both at the Parvum theatre and at the municipal theatre. In the summer 2007, a group of teenagers, again prepared by maestro Berzero, played in the lyrical opera “ The Chimney-Sweep” by Benjamin Britten at the European Mittelfest in Cividale, Friuli. |